21 September, 2022 - 21 September, 2022
Jointly organized by OIC Standing Committee on Scientific
and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH), International Center for Chemical and
Biological Sciences (ICCBS) And Sindh Innovation, Research, and Education
Network (SIREN).
OIC Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological
Cooperation (COMSTECH), and Sindh Innovation, Research, and Education Network
(SIREN) are jointly organizing a Lecture (Hybrid) entitled, “New trends in
Automated Chemistry: Retrosynthetic Analysis and Chemical Robots” coordinated
by the L.E.J. National Science
Information Center, International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences
(ICCBS), University of Karachi.
Since the original work of E. J. Corey1-3 on retrosynthetic
analysis in the sixty’s, computer have been used to help chemists to access
data, to communicate in drawing the structure of compounds on the graphical
interface of their computers and to help them to propose synthetic routes to
achieve the synthesis of the compounds they need. Robots that have been used
for few reactions especially when solid phase reagents are involved, are now
more and more used in place of chemists and even coupled to retrosynthetic
tools. We will describe the importance of selecting the disconnections in the
retrosynthetic analysis on the taxol and the pyrethroid fields and will
disclose the concepts behind robot involvements.
Prof. Alain KRIEF (Ph.D.)
Emeritus Professor in Organic Chemistry
Executive Director of International Organization for
Chemical Sciences in Development (IOCD)
Main areas of research: Organic synthesis, Bioorganic
chemistry, Knowledge management
352 papers including 12 patents, 20 books, and chapter of
All research scholar, scientists, post-doctoral fellows, and
faculty members from the OIC member states.
21th September 2022
DAY AND TIME: Wednesday (10:00 – 12:00 Hrs.)
19th September 2022 (Free)
VENUE: Lecture
Hall A, Latif Ebrahim Jamal National Science Information Center (LEJNSIC),
International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), University
of Karachi-75270, Pakistan.
Registered participants will receive a digital certificate after the successful
completion of the workshop.
For more information: [email protected]; Call : 021-111-222-292 Ext: 267, 275.
Room No. 202, 2nd floor, L.E.J. National Science Information
Center, International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS),
University of Karachi, Karachi-75270.
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knowledge together