Goldcrest Mall


International Center of Cehmical & Biological Science
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
About Us

About Us

Lets spread the knowledge together….!!

About us l

Sindh Innovation, Research, and Educational Network (SIREN) project is sponsored by Government of Sindh and implemented by L. E. J. National Science Information Center, International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), University of Karachi, Pakistan.

SIREN aim is to promote quality education system in Sindh, (Pakistan). SIREN has linked universities of Sindh, by modern technologies through focal center, L.E.J. NSIC, ICCBS as a seamless learning and research platform. The eminent scholars are invited from all around the globe to deliver lectures and courses either by video conferencing or in person on areas of academic needs. It enables researchers, and students to upgrade and expand their knowledge via distance learning and on campus programs; by acquiring lectures, seminars, workshops, skill development courses related to the field of basic, applied, and social sciences. It also provides an opportunity for teachers to expand their knowledge through “Faculty Development Program”, and develop networking, and linkages with leading scholars, and institution of the world.


Educational system within Sindh needs an urgent upgradation. A study shows that outdated curriculum and lack of effective teaching strategies leading to lack of interest of students in acquiring education. Besides, there are limited opportunities in science and technology which is causing hindrance in development innovation based techniques. Therefore, it is important to introduce a program which caters all these issues, and provide opportunity to rise.

Objectives of SIREN
  • Improve academic standards, research capacity of Universities of Sindh, and their associated colleges.
  • Enhance pedagogical skills.
  • Promote research collaboration among institutes of higher learning in Sindh on national, and international platform.
  • Provide distance learning opportunities to scholars of remote areas of Sindh.

Universities will build their capacity and institutional competence in terms of teaching and research capabilities and international coordination. SIREN will provide an environment which help to interface the world by interacting scholars from all around the globe. It will also equip teachers and students with the best and current subject specific knowledge.

Lets spread the l
knowledge together